Lockdown Math
A series of live-streamed lectures starting with foundational ideas in high school math, and exploring what interesting places they can lead to

Lockdown math announcementApr 16, 2020

The simpler quadratic formulaChapter 1Apr 17, 2020

Trigonometry fundamentalsChapter 2Apr 21, 2020

Complex number fundamentalsChapter 3Apr 24, 2020

What is Euler's formula actually saying?Chapter 4Apr 28, 2020

Imaginary interest ratesChapter 5May 1, 2020

Logarithm FundamentalsChapter 6May 5, 2020

What makes the natural log "natural"?Chapter 7May 8, 2020

The power tower puzzleChapter 8May 12, 2020

Intuition for i to the power iChapter 9May 15, 2020

Tips to be a better problem solverChapter 10May 22, 2020